Here’s What a Few of Our Students Had to Say

“I’m so excited about all I’ve learned but actually found myself getting a bit misty because my time with AEI is nearly done. I appreciate everything you all have given to me but what I value most is gaining such great friends, yes, that is how I see all of the AEI instructors. This journey bonded us. Thank you for what you’ve done for me but even more so, thank you for the people that you are. “
GR Johnson
“Just wanted to let you know that I got the job on the production team over at Trinity Baptist Church! Today was my first day and I feel really comfortable in this position.
Thank you so much for giving my name to Gabe, I could not have done this without the Audio Engineering Institute Program!!”
Preston Magsig
“Anything I’ve learned you’ve either taught me directly or put me in the position to learn and I couldn’t be more grateful for that.
I literally can’t describe how much I respect and appreciate you as a mentor. “
Josh Mahan
“Thank you for being part of a big surprise celebration of my completion of my audio classes! Becky played your message to me and I was really surprised and blessed by it! God bless you for helping me learn so much in the past year – you truly are a gifted teacher. Who else could teach an old Aggie anything? Thanks so much!”
Gary Henley
” Even though I began the class feeling most of the information taught in Audio 101 was too common knowledge, I learned a lot that I didn’t know about mixing, microphones, etc. Good stuff. Can’t wait for 201 Live!”
TJ English
“I liked learning the foundation for good recording skills and being able to know more about knobs, sounds, EQ, and the whole myriad of recording possibilities.”
Brian Clark
“Marius is patient and makes sure everyone in the class understands the concepts. No one feels stupid for answering a question incorrectly.”
Hannah Rinehart
“This course give timely, practical information that’s immediately applicable to what I’m doing in the studio right now. The lessons, with real world examples put us in realistic production situations preparing us for the real thing.“
Darryl McEachin
“The interaction was great! The professor did a great job at explaining things and making it easy to understand.”
Eric Gutierrez
“I liked getting more in-depth at my craft and getting to learn from the man, the myth, the legend: Marius!”
Brennan Wright
“I see myself turning out better quality mixes more quickly. Also, using what AEI has taught me in pursuit of a degree.”
Gina Johnson
“Overall, I loved this class so much. I never had to force myself out of bed. It was always a blast and reassured any insecurities I had over the curriculum. Love the teachers, love the class!”
Josh Mahan
“I wouldn’t suggest any changes. Marius is a great teacher with excellent illustrations to help people understand.”
Ed Potutschnig
“With the knowledge I’ve gained from AEI, I will be able to do a live mix, studio mix, master, and edit tracks in a professional matter.”
Edouard Tahmizian
“This class is great! Damian is great when teaching his knowledge to the students and helping where it’s needed. I’ll make better choices using what I’ve learned from AEI to record my own music and other bands. Also in running sound with bands and musicians. “
Jeremy Zapata
“Damian was a phenomenal instructor. He really made sure we understood what we were going over and helped us when needed. I also loved being able to to explore around on the take home equipment. Great class!”
Preston Magsig
“With this knowledge, I see myself running live sound for any job opportunity offered, continuing to run sound at Lackland, and working on putting together my own home studio after I graduate from AEI.”
Andrew Burke
“The 201L-STUDIO class goes at just the right pace to get everything done on time. Sometimes Damian will go a little fast – but that’s just me. And when he does, I just let him know like, “Hang on, can we go over that again?” And he goes back and everything’s all good. Awesome job Damian!”
Johnny Gibson
“Going to your school changed my life in the best way . It opened so many doors for me that I would have never thought possible. The tools that you have given me are priceless.”
Brittany Blair Neutze
“Aside from learning how to properly set up equipment to record a band, you get the tips and tricks from a professional you wouldn’t get from a book.”
Nathan Morales
“I enjoyed this class and learned something new each week. The instructors were great and knowledgeable.”
James Goss
“I came into this lab course and lectures almost blind because I’ve never worked with any of the equipment other than a computer — The labs were perfect in my opinion and the instructors are very good at helping us understand how everything works and why it works the way it does.“
Christina Arriazola
“Damian and Richard were both exceptional instructors. I learned a lot.”
Micah Hartstock
“Overall I loved it! Marius is a great teacher and mentor.”
Jeff King
“I like the knowledge that I’m receiveing that I believe is taking me to a different level.”
Darrell Davis
“I cannot wait for the advanced classes to start. He [my instructor] was able to explain concepts in many different ways if I did not understand the information. I very much enjoyed this lab! Everything I learned in this lab was new to me.”
Keith Burns
“It was easy to understand with the way things were explained. The step-by-step instruction and visual aids helped a lot.”
Matthew Mitchell
“The studio quality is top of the line. The curriculum is good to challenge but not to over load the students. The focus of the curriculum is revised so I felt like I learned in a very chronological order.”
Brent Martin
“There wasn’t a time I attended a lecture or a lab that I didn’t come away with something new I learned. I have been engineering a lot but I didn’t know everything, it was nice to learn something new from someone who has made a living doing it.“
Deron Means